A product carousel without slick
Smashing bootstrap and some other stuff together
Our layout designers came up with an idea that was, well, to be honest... a complete ripoff of the carousel on the Coach website.
I will be perfectly honest with you, I am not a fan of the coach carousel. It hangs off the side of the screen and contains several accessibility violations. It isn't responsive, in the least. What you see is how it is; it has a fairly unfinished look to it.
Regardless, I made some improvements. It's a carousel with a combo of HTML5, CSS3 and vanilla JS, with a few of the bootstrap built-in classes and an icon font for the chevrons. Fairly light to load, though. Responds nicely at various breakpoints. It's set for explicit breakpoint declaration of how many items wide, rather than using a calc function, because this has to be maintainable at the lowest level, by merchants and product data specialists with close to no dev experience. For all that, it's not too bad. It does the job.